Support Circles


Sometimes it’s confusing knowing where we can get the right support from. Maybe this exercise will help? Give it a try.

  1. Draw a few circles around each other like the ones shown here on this page. Make sure you draw it large enough so there’s space to write or draw inside each circle.

  2. Put your name in the middle. You can draw a picture or symbol that you feel reflects you in the middle as well.

  3. In the first inner circle (just outside your name circle), write down the most important things in your life. This could be people like family or friends, but it could also be places where you access support. Make sure you only write down the 3 or 4 most important ones. Get creative – you can draw these things instead of write them down if you prefer

  4. For the next circle, add things that are slightly less important to you but still play a supportive role in your life. Carry this on for the remainder of the circles. For example, you might have your foster parents in the inner circle, your school in the next circle, and your friends in the outer circle

  5. How do each of the things on your diagram provides you with support? What do different types of support look like?

  6. In the final, outer circle, draw or write the support you would like, but don’t have yet. Support doesn’t just mean formal support. It might be friendship, art, learning. This is your future circle. Is there a way you can access the things in your future circle, in the next month, in the next week?

Brighter Futures